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Top Mistakes to Avoid in NEET 2024 Preparation...

The journey to becoming a doctor, whether through NEET in India or pursuing MBBS Abroad, is undoubtedly challenging. While dedication and hard work are essential, avoiding common pitfalls can be the difference between securing that coveted medical seat and facing disappointment. So, for all aspiring NEET warriors, here's a guide to the top mistakes you must avoid and the tactics to rectify them:


1. Lack of a Structured Plan:


Mistake: Jumping into preparation without a well-defined plan leads to confusion, inconsistency, and ultimately, wasted effort.

Fix: Craft a personalized timetable that allocates dedicated time slots for each subject, factoring in...

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MBBS At Moscow State University - An Affordable...

For many Indian students, pursuing a dream of becoming a doctor often collides with the harsh reality of skyrocketing medical education costs within India. However, a beacon of hope shines in the form of prestigious universities abroad, offering world-class medical education at a fraction of the cost. One such gem is Moscow State University (MSU), a name synonymous with academic excellence and a haven for aspiring medicos from India.


About Moscow State University


MSU holds the distinction of being one of the oldest and most renowned universities in Russia, established in 1755. It boasts a rich history of academic brilliance, having...

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Career Opportunities After Studying MBBS From Russia: A...

Studying MBBS in Russia is a popular choice for many aspiring doctors, particularly from India. Russia boasts a well-established medical education system, recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO), and offers a cost-effective alternative to studying medicine in other countries. But what about career opportunities after graduating with an MBBS from Russia? Let's explore the various paths you can take.


Practice Medicine in Russia

Graduates can choose to practice medicine in Russia itself. This requires passing the Russian Medical Licensing Examination and completing a one-year internship. The demand for qualified doctors in Russia is high, especially in rural areas. Salaries...

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